12. Bamboozled (2000)
Social commentary is nothing new to director Spike Lee. What is new is that here, he does so through the guise of satire. It takes dead aim at hip hop, the malt liquor industry and the “black†sitcoms of the W.B. and UPN that were popular at the time. Ironically, it’s a Wayans brother in the lead role (Spike has occasionally clashed with the Wayans over ideology). Michael Rappaport is also outstanding. Sadly, many of Spike’s barbs are still relevant…ahem…cough…cough…Tyler Perry…ahem…cough…cough.
this movie is one that i think has fallen through the cracks as a "great" movie. lots of people will list city of god, departed and the like but this is one that has just been forgotten about. its been a couple years since i've seen it and i'm guilty of what i'm talking about, but i plan on heading to the video store and renting this for sure this weekend as we are supposed to get almost a foot of snow, so what better time to hole up with some great movies!