To explain why I gave him "static" ... His favorite television show featured two dudes going at it for a good 45 seconds in a very graphic make out scene, about three years ago. So it comes across as false to me.
If he could handle it then, he can handle it now.
A few things here.
-"Looking" was renewed. And it sure is a quality show, it provides a realistic depiction of #findingyourself in your mid 20s. Also handles the delicate nature of relationships and love with aplomb.
-I already addressed television homo stuff on page one. When the dudes on "Looking" get it on, it's also weird & awkward to watch. Just like Sal Romano making out with a bell boy on Man Men (sorry Youk, spoilers, but blame NAHSTE he brought it up). It's not like I have to turn away, it's not like I think they should burn in hell, but it is awkward to watch. If that makes me a bigot or "backwards" or a conservative 30-something white guy, welp, if the shoe fits. Don't care.
-For you guys who can watch the gays get it without batting an eye, good on you I guess. If that makes you more cultured or refined than me because I think it's awkward, fine, I can live with that. I also think you're lying if you say it's the same as watching a man & a woman kiss, but that's not a hill i'm willing to die on because I don't care enough to argue about it. Whatever.
-As some of you know from other threads, I've had many, many gays in my home. None of them ever kissed or snuggled in front of me. Had they, I would have told them to cut it out, because it makes me a little uncomfortable to watch. If it were butch lesbians, i'd tell them to cut it out. If they were hot lesbians, I probably wouldn't care.Hetero, wouldn't care. Yes, I am a hypocrite. Again, short hair don't care. It is what it is. I'm tolerant, i'm liberal in my civil rights views, but watching it make me feel awkward & weird. I make no apologies for that.