ESPN’s “Outside the Lines” will be doing a piece on 1/15 (Sunday) at 10 a.m. Eastern on ESPN 2 on the pay scale of UFC fighters. Reporter John Barr asked Lorenzo Fertitta if UFC pays fighters 50% of total revenues, similar to what athletes in the four major sports get, and not the 10% numerous sources told Outside the Lines that the athletes get.
“In that neighborhood, yeah, in that neighborhood.” The problem is, because of bonuses that we don’t know, when it comes to PPVs, it’s impossible to even make an estimate. But the estimates people make of 10% using base pay are ridiculous, because the headliners make so much more than base pay that it isn’t funny, and with very few exceptions, every fighter appearing on a PPV card gets bonused something, even if it’s $5,000. In addition, when it comes to a TV shoot, some of those shows are loss leaders. I don’t know what UFC’s deal with Showtime is, but Strikeforce was getting around $750,000 (more would be kicked in if someone like Fedor was involved, but on Fedor vs. Henderson, UFC lost significant money because of both men’s huge salaries), and the payroll was $566,000. Now there is also a gate, not yet released, but tickets weren’t moving much in Las Vegas. Not sure what the casino may have paid for the show, but the point is, this was not a $5.6 million show in revenue and the pay was a lot more than 10%. For the 12/30 show, if we go with the idea of 800,000 buys, then Zuffa took in about $18 million from its share of PPV and $3.1 million in gate, or in the range of $21 million. Of that, we know the undercard fighters took in $851,000, and we can very conservatively figure another $150,000 in undisclosed bonuses, so that’s $1 million. We also know from the lawsuit that with that level of a buy rate, that Overeem got about $2.27 million and let’s be conservative and say Lesnar got $2.5 million, so it’s $5.8 million out of $21 million, or 28%. That’s double the 15% that WWE pays talent, also way above the 10% that so many write and claim UFC pays by disingenuously acting as if the money in the original base purses is all that is paid. But it is likely far less than 50%. Ken Shamrock is also on the piece saying, “The UFC has gone out and strategically bought out every company, or they cut the knees our from underneath them when they tried to get started... There’s nothing wrong with that kind of business, but when you get in that kind of position, they don’t use that position to hold the fighters hostage.”