No-Brainers for me: Alomar, Larkin, Raines.
Alomar not getting in last year is one the dumbest things ever, only slightly dumber than Larkin not being in. Raines probably won't get in, again. People have taken some perceived moral high-ground with him. For my money, he's the second best leadoff man ever, behind Henderson.
Guys I'd probably vote for: Bagwell, Murphy.
Check the Bagwell thread for my thoughts on him. Murphy was every bit the all-around player Dawson was, for a time. His problem is he fell off a cliff at 31 or 32. Sadly, he won't get in, again. Of course, let's say it all together: Rice getting in opened the floodgates. So, we'll see.
BTW, Rice getting in really does call into question how some of these others aren't, like Murphy, Parker, McGriff, Gonzalez.
The guy I want to say should be in, but shouldn't and I wouldn't vote for: Mattingly.
Yup, I'm a Yanks fan with a man-crush on Mattingly. However, even I know he absolutely should not be in the HOF. Now, if he stayed healthy...who knows.
Interesting cases I'd probably not vote for: McGwire, Martinez, Palmeiro, Walker, Smith, Morris, Blyleven.
Whether he roided or not, I'd vote now on Big Mac. He had a HOF stretch, but it was too short and nothing else on his resume impresses me enough to say he should get in. I know, I know he hit a gazillion homers.
Hate to bring up the eye test, but Martinez never passed it for me. He never made me feel like I was watching a HOFer. On top of that, he pretty much stopped playing the field at 31. Who does he think he is, Paul Molitor? I know, I know, his career OPS+ is 147.
As for Palmeiro...hmmm...I'd rather not get into that right now.
Walker? Please, please go to the Walker thread for my thoughts on him.
Lee Smith? Lots and lots of saves, but no. I never felt like if you had to get one out to seal the deal you should hand the ball to Lee Smith. And yes, I'm old enough to have watched his whole career. That said, I wouldn't be surprised to see him get in because of all those saves.
Morris is the pitcher I'm most willing to change my mind on. Still, he's borderline.
Finally, on to Blyleven. I've been saying forever he's not a HOFer. However, he's turned into the Jim Rice of pitchers. Every year he doesn't get in a bunch of articles come out screaming about the injustice and the next year a few more people vote for him. I fully expect him to get in this year. Without going too deep into it right now, I'll just say what I've said in the past: if Blyleven gets in Mike Mussina should get in when his turn comes up.
Hell no to the rest.