I just got this shit.... wish I had the patience to run back thru most of this thread, I played it without downloading it to the harddrive most the day, big mistake fuck that shit takes too long, now I'm downloading it...
Lol I went to my mom's house today and she watched me play the game, I rolled my fucking car over then went into a Kart race and she goes "See, don't get mad at the state for taking your license, even the video game knows you shouldn't be driving" I was sad panda.
this game will get a shitload of playtime at least until I get my license back. Question that has probably been answered already... When you win cars for completing a series/cup do you have to play straight thru the series and get first, or can you go back and do one race to get gold and still get the prize car? I'll prob find this answer out before somebody answers it lol