Scouts seem to be enamored with Luck and much more so than any other prospect we've seen in recent memory. At this point people are probably just tired of hearing all of the cliche's with him, which tends to sour people. The real issue for the Colts is that do you need the "once in every 20 year prospect" to be successful. Over the years if nothing else all of the various rookie QB's have proven that they can come in and be successful in being part of their teams.
However, all of these successful QB's have proven to lack the ability to carry their teams. Yes, they're successful as "system guys," but when things get tough, the running game is struggling and plays breakdown they haven't consistently been able to still make the neccesary plays ala Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Brees and Big Ben. I've seen these guys carry their offenses while everyone around them is struggling. Scouts believe Luck is closer to Manning, Brady, Rodgers, Brees and Big Ben then he is to Ryan, Flacco, Bradford, Ponder, Newton, Dalton, etc etc.