I'm back! Here we go with the good/bad from these videos. Buckle up cause it's gonna be a bumpy ride! The good is in blue, the bad is in red. Times marked for all comments so you can check it out yourself.
Video 1:
(0:36) Love Trevor Price (LE) on this play. That's exactly how it would happen. The RG doesn't have the angle, Price crosses his face and gets outside leverage, sheds the block and makes the play. It's the RBs job to cut underneath that block... come on Ian!
(1:16) This stuff bugs the hell out of me. This is an "Iso" run (I put the clock back so you could see him pick the play). The word "Iso" is short for "Isolation", which means the fullback is going to lead through the hole and pick up the middle linebacker. The offensive line is supposed to fan out from that block and create a seam. This is not at all what takes place. Look at how sweet this play looks pre-snap if it works how it should.. everybody has an angle on their man. If it's hard to make an Iso play work effectively, DON'T CALL IT AN ISO PLAY. If it's called a Dive, I'll know what to expect. But I'm losing yards on this play because I'm expecting my players to do something completely different.
(1:47) Check out my strong side linebacker (guy on the right side of the screen). Not stepping up to keep this run inside of him and the Ravens pay for it dearly. Yes, these things happen in real life, but I still have to point it out here. The crack block was a dead give away too. And actually, the Mike linebacker (I think it's Lewis.. which wouldn't surprise me) plays this run perfectly. If the Sam is doing his job and forcing this run inside, Ray makes the hit in the backfield. Nice job 52, I noticed.
(2:34) Check out the fullback. The offense is letting the DT come through because it's an outside run, but the fullback still comes back to block him. If he leads up the field and knocks out the corner like he should, Johnson might still be running.
(3:52) Same thing. The fullback is trying to block backside pursuit on this play and I don't understand why. But either way, nice read Ian! That's how you play linebacker!
(4:34) Good lord I just threw up in my mouth. Watch the cornerback to your right (should be Finnegan who's pretty good). This is awful technique. He gives him a cushion, let's him eat the cushion, then proceeds to run with the receiver (yet somehow does a good job staying with him).
(4:50) Lineman do a much better job getting down field on this play as opposed to the other video.
(5:12) I just got a boner watching the inside linebackers read this play. Flawless. Back to back good looking plays? Now we're playing some football!
(5:29) I don't know who my Sam linebacker is, but man, his starting days might be numbered if he keeps this up. He once again fails to maintain outside leverage and force this run back inside. Ray is forced to cover his ass. Fullback is never going to lead on sweeps I guess.
(6:33) Couple of things I liked on this play. Love the bump coverage by my Sam on Crumpler here... looks very good. I also liked the SS (Landry?) biting a bit on PA, but it didn't look stupid. He recovered nicely (even though he still got beat). Gage, way to go up and get it.
(7:09) lol at my safety in the endzone who just fell over his own feet. You gotta jump in that play man!
Ray looks like a great player (if that was Ray on this one, the MLB)... he just reads the play and flows very well.
(7:40) That's a pretty big hole for a goalline QB sneak. Just sayin'.
(8:34) Other than my strong side backer looking like he just saw a ghost (guy on the left side of the screen), I like everything about this play offensively and defensively. This was the first play this game that really looked good. Looks like they added in the unbalanced line too.
(8:54) Vanden Bosch, teach the Ravens Sam linebacker how to maintain outside leverage and keep everything inside of you. He doesn't do it right.
(9:20) What a stupid play call on 3rd and 7.. I'm glad he paid for it. Watch out ref!
Video 2:
(0:21) lol at Kerry on the phone. You better cut that call short and get on the field man it's your ball!
(1:06) THAT'S how you play it. My Sam backer FINALLY does it right.
(2:08) Nice read by the DE. If it's easy, it's wrong.. he sniffed that screen out.
(2:52) This is just pretty to watch. Check out Vanden Bosch on this one (RE; defensive end to the left of your screen). He rips off his block and comes for blood at the QB without a suction block to be found. The DBs play this one much better too. Love the chain gang as well.
(3:18) REALLY cool animation here with the user. He goes to dive and make a block and the Raven player just jumps over him. You've got a nice run going so far Madden.. I'm impressed.
(4:15) Awesome corner blitz.. he shot in like a missle and the RT never saw him. The MLB didn't get picked up either which leads me to believe the offense line was confused. Could it be?!
(4:37) I did notice a lot of missed blocks on this play, but this one was doomed from the start. 5 blockers on 7 box defenders will never work out. This one is totally ok with me.. it's Ian's fault for not switching the play.
(4:58) I didn't really like this. It's a Cover 3 zone so the post should be there almost everytime.. Foxworth just kinda has a sixth sense about it. I don't know if that's the new AI thing or what, but this play rubbed me the wrong way. What's even worse is the other side of the field: The CB jumps the comeback route before it even happens. I don't remember Ian running this play before so I can't credit this to the new AI thing. If a CB ever thought to jump a comeback route in a Cover 3 zone and they got beat deep, they wouldn't play in the NFL anymore. This is pretty surprising to see after such a strong quarter of play so far.
(7:02) Took me a couple views to figure out the coverage because the weakside linebacker played it so bad. Chris Johnson was WIDE open. I know he's not a DB but he got spun around and lost for a few seconds... that's not good at all.
(7:20) I found it kind of interesting that Foxworth once again plays hard inside in his Cover 3 zone. I'm not sure what he's doing anymore.
More to come!