Seriously? When in life was he taught to tackle like that?
It's not a form tackle. He is hitting McCoy as hard as he can to knock him senseless. You don't need to execute a "clean" tackle when you're superior in size and strength.
He led with his head, and I don't even see the need to argue it wasn't.
Try to hit something as hard as you can with your whole body. You will look exactly like Harrison did in that video. Is it even possible to get your head out of the way?
Not saying he shouldn't be flagged, he hit his helmet. That's the rule. But you guys are acting like he launched his face at McCoy. It looks a lot more to me like he's exploding his chest/shoulders into McCoy to make an impact hit and his helmet caught McCoy in the chin.
Oh and this: Is the complete opposite of a proper form tackle.
Again, no one said it was a form tackle. Harrison is trying to hit McCoy with a lot of force; he doesn't need to go "numbers to numbers" because he's physically superior to McCoy. Colt is going down either way, might as well give him a good shot.
EDIT: To all the guys who think it was intentional, what makes you think Harrison would hit a player standing upright helmet to helmet? What's the purpose of that technique when he can clearly crush him otherwise?