Lawler needs to go on a fucking vacation.
That nigga has worked 365 for 40 years.
Take a break.
The creepiest part of the broadcast was going back and listening to him starting to slur his speech about 5 minutes before the heartattack. You can tell he had something wrong with him but he was fighting through it to get through the broadcast...stumbling his words, slurring speech, a bit of lethargy in his voice. Pretty creepy shit knowing in hindsight that he's suffering the start of a heart attack.
At one point you see a shot in the match with the announce table in the back and Jerry's head is down to the side and he looks like he's clutching his arm (as has been reported) right after those sounds. Scary ass shit man. At the time of the match I was curious as to why the fans were chanting "Jerry!" and I didn't really even notice them looking towards the announce table until I rewinded it after Cole's first announcement following the break. I did notice the audio just go silent for a good last 3 minutes of the match and thought that was odd.