Let's Go All The Way...
I'm guessing there's a new episode on now OR the shit was on last night but some shit (fake or not) is going down in the house.
-Angelina is dead-to-rights when it comes to the other house hoes... J-Woww wants to kill that bitch dead.
-Ronnie and Sammie are back to "friend status" because he's a big fucking pussy and she's a Stage 5 Clinger.
-Snooki has some dumbass glasses on her head and it looks like she glued rocks, seashells and leftover cigarette butts on the lenses.
-The house has a new job through a Miami Gelato shop.
Pauly D explains yet again why his head could withstand .50 Cal Machinegun fire and that the owner has no need to be worried about said hair falling into the ice cream...
Everyone still has to wear dumb-looking paper hats.
-Also, Angelina slapped Pauly D in the face because he was being a dick.