Absolutely, but there is a danger to a university's identity being so closely tied to its football program. Joe Paterno WAS Penn State University, for better or for worse, and the very institution he created served to corrupt the entire university's decision making process.
I realize I am articulating this point poorly, because so much of the focus has been on Paterno the individual and what he should have done. Whenever these scandals arise, we point fingers and shout and assess blame and then go on feeling better about ourselves, but it's more of a societal problem than an individual problem.
We have over prioritized football to the point where our favorite teams' success is more important than individual lives. People like Declen Sullivan, the Sandusky victims, Devaughn Darling, Ereck Plancher and countless of other students, employees, faculty members and human beings have had their best interests superseded by this institution, football, which we all invest too much faith in.