Mass Effect
Platform: Xbox 360/PC/PS3
The Mass Effect Series is absolutely my favorite series of video games of all time but not necessarily my favorite games. Before you read any further, I have beaten Mass Effect 3 but this was written before Mass Effect 3 came out. The top ten might look a little bit different because of it but oh well, there is always next year. I digress, when Mass Effect first came out a lot of people weren’t really talking about it until a few weeks to month after its release. I got this game day one because I love Bioware and their work with Knights of the Old Republic, I was sure I would love this game. The first time I played this game I was in fucking awe. For all you Mass Effect nerds, this is for you.
Wow, I really don’t know where to begin. I could start by saying that I got this game still living with my dad and he made fun of me and called me a nerd for playing this game until I found him one night after I got home from work playing this game. He was deep into it to. Now just like me, he loves the series and as we played through the trilogy we have always talked about it even now via text or calling. Unfortunately this will be much shorter than Metal Gear Solid because it is a somewhat recent game and I would hate to spoil it for some of you still on the fence about diving into the series. What better way to start than to make you guys fap over the gameplay. Mass Effect at it’s core is an Action RPG. Instead of turn based battling and falling into battles like in Final Fantasy, you play the game in an over the shoulder perspective. You are Commander Shepard and the whole game revolves around you, you can switch out your teammates to make a more balanced squad. Some of us prefer certain squad mates to other but I’ll dive into that later. If you’ve ever played Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic than this feels very familiar to you. You have decisions to make that can be good or bad. Good meaning doing the right thing, the right way or saying whatever you need to so you get your way. The controls of shooting and using your biotic powers feels tight. There are 4 different weapons to choose from, Shotgun, Assault Rifle, Pistol and Sniper Rifle. The SMG wasn’t introduced yet. Aside from your firepower you can also bring up your power wheel. No not the cool electronic car from when you were a kid but a wheel that has all your biotic powers and your teammates powers. If you have stasis, throw, warp or any other powers you can use them there or set them to a quick key so you don’t always have to bring up your power wheel. You can also designate what powers your teammates can use as well. Both guns and powers have cool down periods too. If you spam your rifle it will overheat and if you use a power it needs time to recharge. This is done to keep balance and it works very, very well. Enemy AI is very well done too; they will take cover or rush you depending on the situation. Sometimes they’ll stand there and take a clip or two but its not that often. Since this is an RPG you can customize your character. At the beginning of the game you can change what your Commander Shepard looks like. You can be either a man or woman and facial structuring is surprisingly deep. With enough time and effort you can have your Shep looking just like you. Again running with the RPG elements you can level up your character as you collect XP through the game. The skill tree is robust and even completing the entire game won’t max your character out, hell two play throughs won’t do it either. Unfortunately the game does cap at level 60 I believe or it might be 70. Armor and weapons can be customized and you can find those two all around the galaxy.
Graphically the game looks great. Your customizable character doesn’t look out of place at all. For the most part the environment is very beautiful the occasional textures popping in and out is noticeable and although this really doesn’t go in graphics but sometimes you will get stuck in a wall or two. Just wanted to say that before I forgot. One last thing that I griped about, when you go do missions that aren’t main story related, they recycle the same underground tunnel over and over again just with different layouts of crates and stuff. It’s not a game killer but Bioware could have at the very least made things more diverse. All the characters in this game look stupendous. Detail all the way down ro the hairs on everyone’s head. The game does a very good job of making the universe5 look vast and 90% of the time everything looks good and runs smoothly. The other 10% is when there are multiple things to load and the game has a little hiccup. Voice acting in this game is incredible. The guy who plays Commander Shepard is perfect. Keith David as Anderson is fantastic just as Seth Green as Joker is just icing on the cake. The sounds of the ship taking off, gunfire and biotic powers sound very good and diverse and really adds to the game. All of that fails to meet the level of greatness the soundtrack achieves. The Mass Effect main theme is easily one of my favorite themes in not only gaming but any type of media. It’s so good that when I hear it in Mass Effect 2 and 3 it brings back great memories of this game. Bioware did a top notch job putting the soundtrack together for this game and I honestly don’t think any game will ever outdo this franchises soundtrack. Actually as I finished writing this I listened to the soundtrack.
Now for my favorite part, explaining to you guys why I love this story. First let me tell you that this is my absolute favorite story in the Mass Effect series. A lot of you fans are probably saying that the third is the best or the second but I’ll tell you why I think ME1 has the best story, at least in my opinion. From the minute you pop in Mass Effect for the first time you are in the dark. You don’t know what the mission is, what you’re doing or anything but after the journey to Eden Prime you slowly start to piece everything together. On the real, I would give a lot to play this game for the first time again. I remember very vividly my first playthrough. I was having a hard time piecing together the story at first but the sheer amount of OMG moments and twists that I didn’t expect can not be duplicated. If you go through a play now you know what to prepare for but for someone who is a first time player of the series will just be left breathless after the complete the game. The characters are great. Garrus is a fan favorite and also one of mine from the first game. I was ecstatic he was carried through all three games. Not only is Garrus a great teammate but Ashley, Kaiden (not really), Wrex, Liara and Tali really add to the game and you genuinely care for those squad members. Well I didn’t give a shit about Kaiden, he mostly stayed on the ship. The great thing about Mass Effect is the decisions you make really change everything. Sure the game has a static ending but the choices you can make up to that are often tough and will really shape how your character is seen from the outside. I’m obviously talking about going paragon or renegade. The game has romance, action, deceit and just about anything that makes a good game. You can tell the story is inspired by some of the great science fiction such as Star Wars, Star Trek and many more. Mass Effect really does a good job of separating the line between good and evil not only for your actions but pointing out whom are the villains and who are the good guys. Some parts of the plot can get kind of confusing but a second playthrough will help alleviate some of that confusion. I don’t know if I can really say if this is 100% my favorite story of all time but it did have a lasting impact on me and has a better plot than most science fiction novels and movies out there.
I know i didn't touch on a lot in this but i will save that for something later... lol like you guys didn't know Mass Effect 2 would be on this list somewhere. I can safely assume at least some of you have never played this game and it’s a damn shame really. Mass Effect is one of the best games of this console generation and it really should be in everyone’s game collection. If you haven’t played it I would highly recommend you do. This game will likely go down as one of the greatest ever, not just on my list but years down the road people will still be talking about this game. For those of you who need to see what this game is about before making your decision on playing it yet, watch the video BELOW!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OyWurWoxhuA"]Generic Mass Effect 1 Gameplay - YouTube[/ame]