Platform: PC/PS2
Wow to think that this game was pretty much the beginning of a lot of FPS’s. I understand Doom, Duke Nukem and Wolfenstein came before Half-life but Half-life actually gave FPS’s a story, puzzles and keeping the player involved even through cut-scenes.
I luckily had a PC good enough to run Half-life when it debuted but I knew a lot of friends who would come over for hours just to watch me play. This game was pretty damn groundbreaking for the time. The story was amazing for the time and the action was top notch throughout the entire game. Some scenes were “disturbing” while some were funny. It was the first time I was actually engrossed by a first person shooter. I was playing to complete the story and not to just shoot people in the head. Among other great things about this game, Dr. Gordon Freeman is an instantly recognizable name in video games mainly because the developers at valve made us care about his health and well being. The story isn’t the longest but the amount of expansions that came from this game is a amazing. The expansions are great but the community mods were even more so, especially the mod that took multiplayer gaming to the next level. That game is simply known as Counterstrike. Unfortunately I don’t wanna talk about Counterstrike just yet, you’ll find out why at a later date.
Please do not sleep on this game if you have never played it. The graphics may look lackluster today but you can get this game on steam for dirt cheap and it’s worth at least one play through. Hell the story and gameplay is better than a lot of shit videogame companies shove down our throats these days.
Half Life Trailer by James Benson - YouTube