Been working all day but id like to chime in.....
Gameplay caught me by surprise, it plays and feels like No madden ive ever played before. Its gonna take sometime to get used to. Sometimes i felt controls werent very responsive, but im sure it will be once im used to the speed.
The game is no way like NCAA 10, Passing is better, presentation, animations, everything is A+. Pro Tac, i admit i was skeptical at first but seeing it in action, it really is something to behold.
I got sacked aloooooooooot, but ran really well. Passing with Romo is terrible, but with Warner and Kobe jr, its alot better, ratings seem to matter finally.
From the 1st screen to the last this game makes you feel Football, something its severely lacked the last few years.
Only Negative is the running animation, its Poop.