To take it a step further...
Madden is really running, basically, JV level football schemes up front. There's no pulling or trapping (that is effective anyway). They really just run a really basic level of zone blocking. Which is fine. It's still a vast improvement over what it used to be.
But then they want those very basic schemes to be able to block an NFL level defense, with a multitude of fronts and coverages without the AI Qb having the ability to audible (since it's a computer). So you get the computer running zone plays into an extra defender. On NCAA it'll run zone read when there are two backside defenders. So the game will get a "keep" read and the QB gets plastered because there is an extra guy just sitting there, which happens because there is no rationality into how the defense is programmed. So you get these really unsound defenses being called (by the AI and by humans) because it wants to run a certain "play" regardless of what the offensive formation is, and again; the AI has no ability to check into and out of certain looks.
You get the same thing in the secondary. The AI can execute the coverages at a junior varsity football level, but the offense NFL style passing concepts and can execute them fairly well. The secondary plays Cover 3 like an 8th grade team with the defensive backs just backpedaling for shits and giggles because that is what the coverage says to do. Then there are the animations where the defender bites on the double move/play-action (uhg).
It's an area that really gets worse every year because they add more and more plays without any improvements into how the offense and defense actually call plays and align themselves. The worst part, kind of, is that the offensive plays get implemented very well; which renders the defense helpless. So either you can score 50+ a game or the game makes up for it's ineffectiveness with ridiculous animations animations (block shedding, the always present super jumps, magical spins ect...)