Avoid until they fix the issue with the headsets online.
The menus are hard enough as it is to navigate...
-Unless you've played BF3 or are getting a brand-new copy, you're at the bottom of the barrel in terms of unlocks.
*Not all of the classes are unlocked to start with, which is fine due to the extreme specializations you can get into; but it's not good when you initally
want to play as a U.S. Navy Seal and come to realize that you gotta dump hours of time into the MP JUST to unlock the ability TO unlock him.
Depending on your definition of "replayability", your overall patience or general malaise towards FPS' in general, you may not have the stomach to sit there and take your lumps to get what you want.
*Also, your guns for the afformentioned are sans parts that you'll actually want so I hope you saved up some vacation time.
-NOBODY has headsets online (just like MAG and BF3, where you really aren't going to find griefers versus COD where your mother's a whore by default) so on top of the team audio being either unhearable/busted, nobody's gonna know the psycho murderer with the AK behind the door is waiting for them.
So yeah...
Fun on MP so far if you can stomach all of this awful.