I love how people are being fanboys cause they don't have a PS3. The thing about the bat boy isn't nit picking, it's showing that 2k doesn't give a shit. I noticed this right away when I played, why didn't they?
Secondly, why would I throw the ball to first? Are you stupid? Why would any real life player risk throwing a ball away when they could tag the person who's right next to them? That's retarded as shit.
2K does not have better player models. How can you even say that?
The Show's models are damn near perfect. Find me one thing wrong with the player models in The Show? If you can't do that, then you can't say 2k9's models are better. They aren't. Everything is robotic and everything is a canned animation.
The thing about the pitching last year is it made it more interactive. It also made it so you would have to learn to be good at the game, rather than picking it up and throwing perfect games. That's my only gripe with the show. The pitching is button mashing on the show and I don't like that. As long as you know the game of baseball, you can pitch a perfect game in The Show from the second you pick up the game. In 2k8, you had to get good at pitching. After you played around 10 or 15 games consistently, you weren't throwing any meatballs.
And the easy difficulty doesn't make the game arcade like. I was talking about how it looks. I don't want to be playing a game that feels like it's targeted at little kids.
And since you say this arcade like gameplay makes it more attractive to younger generations, tell me why everyone wants The Show? If the show is so sim and ultra-realistic (and that isn't good for all audiences like you said), then why does almost everyone who owns a PS3 buy The Show? And why are there people who buy PS3s, even when they were still $600, buy it just for The Show?
There is no argument that The Show is better than 2K, and that's not the point I'm trying to get across because even the die-hard 2K fanboys will admit that. I'm wondering how you can defend the developers for being lazy pieces of shit by telling me to "just throw the ball to first" when my God damn pitcher is running side-by-side with the baserunner?
And just so you know, it wouldn't let me throw the ball to first. It was a stuck canned animation. I was just running side-by-side with him. I tried for 3 or 4 seconds holding the thumbstick in the direction of Victorino and the animation just kept going. Then i tried throwing and he wouldn't do it. What ended up happening was Victorino beat Kazmir to first base by like half a step. That was also funny, cause they were running side-by-side from about 10 feet down the base line on and Kazmir still barely lost the foot race to Victorino.