A Special Kind of Cat
I saw this posted from G4's Twitter. A little info on multiplayer...
I like the sound of relying less on perks. COD4 was a lot more fun imo than MW2. Hopefully they can get back to that.
The multiplayer in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 will reduce the number of map "hotstops" in order to obtain a more action-packed feel, according to Robert Bowling, creative strategist at Modern Warfare development studio Infinity Ward, in an article from Kotaku.
Hotspots, for those who don't know, are places where an enemy can hide or shoot from, and Bowling says gamers won't have to worry about more than five hotspots at any one time.
"It simplifies it so that the less skilled player has less to think about," Bowling said. "There's fewer places to hide, which discourages the more camper mentality that seemed to emerge in the map design of Modern Warfare 2."
Bowling also mentioned that air support will be reduced. The main idea is that the designers want the game to focus on fast paced gun-on-gun gameplay rather than perks.
"Modern Warfare style is, for me, all about the high-speed, fast-paced—and I'm talking in terms of smooth controls and 60-frames-per-second framerate—infantry-focused combat," Bowling said. "And it's all focused on that gun-on-gun gameplay, especially in Modern Warfare 3. I feel like it's something we nailed with Call of Duty 4. We moved away from it a little bit with MW2, relying heavily on air support, killstreaks, perks and stuff like that. Modern Warfare 3, very much [is] building up from that Call of Duty 4 mentality of gun-on-gun, fast-paced infantry gameplay."
It sounds to me like Infinity Ward might be trying to cater MW3 to a more casual audience than its previous installments. I'm not sure if I like that idea. What do you think? You can check out Bowling's entire interview over at Kotaku.
Read more: http://www.g4tv.com/thefeed/blog/po...aled-more-casual-friendly-game/#ixzz1S7EzxrJr
I like the sound of relying less on perks. COD4 was a lot more fun imo than MW2. Hopefully they can get back to that.