what game(s) that you were really excited about and couldnt wait to get your hands left you coming away disappointed?
my clear #1 ...
after the awesomeness of San Andreas i expected nothing less than perfection from this game. Did it still have the same mindless open world just do random cool shit in it? it sure did, but other than that it was lacking. The graphics were top notch and the story was fine but there was little to no innovation involved in the actual gameplay whatsoever. Yes, online was something new but just couldn't hold my interest for long. They took out the building up your character aspect which i enjoyed in SA seemingly just to dumb it down for casual gamers. The missions were in same exact mold of every GTA game and just got so repetitive and boring except for a few scattered missions here and there. The same crappy car control was left in the game, and their idea of cool side stuff was playing pool and darts? no thanks. Was it a horrible game? Not at all but i expected so much more.