First anyone who thinks its Madden should be shot in the face.
You deserve all the pain you get for thinking for a second Madden was going to improve.
Same engine thats STILL based on PS1 ground work. A team that lied to you EVERY year last gen , slapped us in the face with some BS E3 video , and you had to have bought all the shit the dickfaces at MM and Maddennation were feeding you about "next year baby!" for you to think Madden would be playable.
Anyone who paid attention knew damn well what garbage Madden was going to be. vote..
Ghost Recon Advanced Warrior.
Absolute trash to the point of being unplayable.
Nowhere on the same planet as the first 2 Ghost Recon games on XBOX1 let alone PC.
Halo 3 , GTA 4 and GOW 2 were massive let downs...BUT
Halo 3 was too short abysmal level design later levls and NEVER EVER AT ANY POINT had the scale or awesomeness promised by developers or the Fuckin commercial!!
The MP was
fantastic. So many new options and just a ton of fun.
Gears 2 SP outside of a garbage final final boss was
great ..the MP was utter trash. 3 updates before it became reasonable. Took the worst elements of other MP games with none of the great stuff.
Sure it couldnt live up to the hype but if Midnight club/ Burnout paradise can have such detailed and massive cities...why does GTA give me some bootleg not even close to attractive shitfest of a NYC rip off.
Shitty selection of cars and takes too long to get interesting story and garbage worse that GOW 2 online play is just manure.
But it still was the same damn game. I personally never got into GTA because of how bored I got so quickly. My experience was the same with this.
Honorable Mention----
Rainbow Six Vegas 2. What a half ass job.
SF4 awesome look , and characters...but atrocious story , garbage boss , and still not listening to people online multiplayer.