And I have plenty to go around.
They talk alot of trash and seem to have the most annoying fans [I know all teams have some bad fans]. Add on the fact that they have an annoying QB, cry baby runningback and a ex-steroid user at Linebacker and it becomes very easy to hate
Especially if you're a Colts fan...
This douche makes me extremely angry. The waffling shit really made me angry. And I just don't think he's been that great in a long time. People are always quick to attribute Brady and Manning's success to the rule changes, but they forget that this man has had his worst years since 2004. And he's played his entire career after 1978, despite what you may be led to believe. Haha.
This year he was phenomenal, but so was every other quarterback in the NFL. I hope he is hurt so bad he can never play again this weekend. If not this weekend, in the Super Bowl. I was hoping he would this season, and he didn't. If the Saints win the NFCCG, I'm rooting for them. If the Vikes win, I'm rooting for the AFC - Jets OR Colts...
I like AD. I like Jared Allen. But I can't root for the Vikings while he's there... Unless they play the Bears... or maybe the Chargers or the Broncos... but that would make the AFCW look good (him losing to them) so Idk...
Jay Cutler is a douche. He looks like a prissy little bitch and he threw four itnerceptions against the Packers... one was with four defenders in the area... There's no exception for that. I hope he gets hurt ASAP and sucks even worse. Because of him, I can't root for the Bears in the NFCN... Asshole.
Looks ungrateful as shit in this picture.
One great year, and he's in the best of all time discussion... NO.
I wanted to put Peyton, but I like him... I just don't like al the rule changes Bill Polian has influenced.