Regarding the Madden vs. NCAA conversation...
I do like this year's Madden, so you can take this with a grain of salt if you like. There will be those who don't feel it's made enough of a leap, and I do fear some exploits might make it through because the game plays so much more organically than before, I can only imagine that the AI will have some catching up to do (don't take this as "I know something", I'm speculating 100% here), but I don't think anyone who plays both this season and is honest with themselves will say that NCAA is the better game.
It's not even close. Even if Madden hasn't improved enough for your tastes, it's just far and away the better of the two.
When I look back at the evolution of t"next gen" football games here are the trends.
1) Dumber AI. Ever since '05 (when the CPU finally ran the ball) the QBs have been playing worse and worse, eventually leading to dump-off frenzy in '08-'09. Coupled with AI defenders forgetting zone defense and you get a game where you can pick apart any zone coverage at will while the CPU is incapable of passing against you.
2) Making defenders shitty in general. More broken tackles, worse DL play ('09 was just a continuation of a trend) and, as mentioned, an inability to play zone coverage (including back peddling against run plays).
3) Faster game play. This includes overall speed (IE, ball speed, straight line speed) as well as the gradual reduction of momentum, making the game more and more twitchy.
The AI started dumb and was made worse over time. Instead of fixing the AI, EA just made the defensive players crappier and crappier. So, the AI does dumb things, but now the defense does equally dumb things so you still get a realistic looking result.
Except of course, that us humans aren't making these stupid mistakes. Ok, well, EA has to fix this. Should they fix the AI, no of course not, so they just make the game play so fast we can't even notice the screw ups (let alone have time to exploit them). Thus, the birth of twitchy, ultra-fast football.
Well, that didn't solve a ton, so we get Madden IQ. We'll make the AI adapt to you, so if you can pass and exploit the crappy defenders will make them super human. If you can't run in our warp-speed game then we'll just make the defenders even crappier.We'll also make the game EVEN FASTER so you can't see what we are doing. (oh, and we'll zoom out the camera really really far too).
What I like about Madden 10 is that they are fixing these issues. Adaptive AI, and improved QB logic are addressing the root problems. The super swat and jumps are gone, hopefully, because they are not needed any more.
Then, they slow down the game speed so it's actually fun to play again.
Obviously the AI will have issues. Thats a given.To "cover" the issues correctly requires a good pass rush and line play. Whatever deficiency the game has AI wise can be helped if the pass rush actually exists.That is the balancer. Just like last-gen, sure the AI had issues then as well, but you could rush the passer and cover up those exploits by not letting them develop.