I honestly can't beleive you can say someone has no life just because they bought the season ticket, and people are agreeing with that. It's pretty offensive to just be throwing that out there to people you don't even know.
I own one video game right now. It's madden. Played one game this week. I'll be buying NHL sometime next week. I want to maybe take a look at FIFA, and Tiger Woods, and I know I'll probably be getting Madden and NCAA next year. Those are probably my only purchases, maybe 3 games. I haven't bought NHL since I think 09,10, and if you don't believe that you can just look at my posts in the thread asking about the game.
I have no clue about what EASHL, buying points, whatever that means, and so on or about any advantage you guys are talking about. The menu itself is confusing to me..lol. All this stuff is new to me in this game.
I just don't see what the big problem is, and how people can just come out and try to insult people, especially when it is unwarranted and untrue. I wish I had time time to get more into games outside of the sports realm, but as you get older, there isn;t alot of time. The timing of the ticket and the small window to play games on the weekend actually works for me.
Initially came into this thread to get info about the game since I was pretty new to it. Ravin helped me out with some tips. Had no idea this thread would get turned negative for no reason.