How to score in EASHL: take the puck in the corner and either drive out in front of the net and shoot far post or make a hard cross crease pass. That's pretty much the only goal I've seen, plus there have been a TON of goalie interference calls.
I'm not lying when I say, shoot the puck. The first 5 games, I played like NHL 11. It doesn't work. I find you have to basically give up everything you did in that game and try new. With that said, I've been ripping goals from the slot with wrist shots, and our team has scored a fuck of a lot of different goals. Tips, wrists, slap shots, yeah some cross crease, but if it is the option, thats what you do. None of that gay ccome from the corner shit.
Also if you don't have human defence, good luck. Because I find when I skate into the zone, the option to drop back to the point was never there because the AI is so dumb. As soon as human player was in, so many options open up.
One thing I noticed that is an "NHL11" thing is, when I come in along the boards, the first thought for the other two forwards is to charge the net, as crosse crease passes were tape to tape and rarely got picked off. You can't do that this year, you need to look ahead of your pass. Sometimes now, the best option is to shoot, because defence awarness matters, and if you are coming down 2 on 1, and the defence has the lane covered, passing the puck is worthless. Yeah you will hear people saying to pass, and it works sometimes. But over the course of yesturday I found we gave the puck up more times trying for that cross pass, where a shot would have been better. It is why I got my wirst shot up to 85 on each, and looking for 90's so I can rip them.
The other thing is to move the puck. Get the cycle going, because as soon as you do that, you get open shots easily. The puck is so live now, it is hard to get things on net. Once you start moving it around, things open up.