It's the other way.
Just curious how you became a Wolves fan living in Arizona? I'd say you are from there, but the Packers logo throws me for a loop. Phoenix/Minnesota are two random teams to like.
I'm from LA originally, no football teams there, so I picked the team with the colors I liked. my folks are all from Chicago / Michigan and are die hard black and blue division fans so Packers were always on TV. They never explained the rivalries to me, to their credit, because if I had a kid who wanted to be a Vikings fan I just wouldnt allow that shit.
Up until last season, I didnt really give a shit about the NBA except for playoff time. I hated douchebag Laker fans growing up in LA, and my family over the years has ended up kinda coming together here in Phoenix, so I always support the Suns. Then the NFL labor stuff happened and I ended up catching NBA2k12 for 75% off on a Steam sale (and have over 300 hours played at this point). I picked Minnesota as my team because I wanted to build up a young point guard and what I had seen from Kevin Love I was impressed by ; he also played at UCLA which I always rooted for growing up over equally-douchebag-fanbase USC. When basketball came back from the lockout, I was impressed with Rubio's energy and passion, the way his whole team rallied around him, his court vision, etc. Rubio and Love on the high screen is textbook basketball, and my fondness for Adelman extends back to the epic Sacramento / Lakers series of yesteryear.