Tanahashi/Suzuki was not one of the best matches i've ever seen in my life, but it was brilliantly worked and one of the best matches of the year for sure. It blew away the match these two had in January at the Dome show.
Suzuki controlled early, working over Tanahashi's injured elbow. Just totally beat him down, killing the hope spots and working the arm.
Tanahashi eventually hits a dragon screw and works over the knee. He fights to lock in a figure four, and Suzuki struggles to get out of it for what felt like forever. Seriously, this felt like the longest figure four spot ever. He manages to get to the rope to break, setting up one of the best spots i've seen in a long time. Tanahashi whips him into the ropes, and Suzuki stops dead in his tracks and starts limping from the figure four damage. Out of nowhere, Suzuki turns around and nails a dropkick. He was bluffing. Just awesome.
Later, Tanahashi goes for another dragon screw and it somehow gets reversed into a rear naked. Another great spot.
Tanahashi fights out of two Gotch piledriver attempts, and eventually hits two High Fly Flows for the win. Just a brilliant match.
Anderson vs Okada delivered, with a hot finishing sequence. Same for Goto/Nakamura.
Definite show of the year contender. Awesome from top to bottom.