Nuk, I'm not disagreeing with your list because honestly it's pretty spot on in most cases. But I'm getting the impression that to you, you can't be an amazing band or artist without being a talented musician.
If that's the case then what's your opinion of the Sex Pistols? They weren't amazing musicians. I mean fuck, Sid Vicious couldn't even play bass (yet he's in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame). However, the Sex Pistols were one of the most amazing artists to have ever taken the stage. I understand the difference between shite music and good music, but I don't think being amazing musicians is the sole deciding factor in the quality of music. Although it sure as fuck helps.
In the end, it's music, if you like it. Fine. But I'm a pretentious music fan and honestly I don't give a fuck if you like my music, because yours sucks (not you personally). At least that's always been my opinion when it comes to what other people listen to.