Buckeye For Life
1 year bowl ban.
Loss of 4 additional scholarships (3-3-3 over 3 years)
Additional year of probation.
5 things...
1. We are the first program in NCAA history to be hit with a bowl ban for a Failure to Monitor charge only. Bowl bans have happened in the past yes, but all of those instances involved a LOIC charge which was not levied against Ohio State.
2. Gene Smith, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Seriously, fuck you. You handled this mess poorly P.R. wise, you shifted the blame as you saw fit, and you botched the entire process from start to finish.
3. So, let me get this straight, because we didn't self-impose a bowl ban, now the Tat 5 and the rest of the suspended players all get to play in a bowl game this year? Fuck that.
4. If not for the selfish actions of a stupid booster (DeGerinimo) and a couple of stupid players yet again (Posey, Boom, and Marcus Hall), we wouldn't have gotten a bowl ban.
5. Thanks to tOSU and the NCAA, for taking an issue that was known about during the August 12th hearing and dragging it out until now where we can't even use the bowl ban for this season.
Glad to know that my senior year (3rd year senior here) I won't even have the possibility of buying bowl game tickets.
1 year bowl ban.
Loss of 4 additional scholarships (3-3-3 over 3 years)
Additional year of probation.
5 things...
1. We are the first program in NCAA history to be hit with a bowl ban for a Failure to Monitor charge only. Bowl bans have happened in the past yes, but all of those instances involved a LOIC charge which was not levied against Ohio State.
2. Gene Smith, don't let the door hit your ass on the way out. Seriously, fuck you. You handled this mess poorly P.R. wise, you shifted the blame as you saw fit, and you botched the entire process from start to finish.
3. So, let me get this straight, because we didn't self-impose a bowl ban, now the Tat 5 and the rest of the suspended players all get to play in a bowl game this year? Fuck that.
4. If not for the selfish actions of a stupid booster (DeGerinimo) and a couple of stupid players yet again (Posey, Boom, and Marcus Hall), we wouldn't have gotten a bowl ban.
5. Thanks to tOSU and the NCAA, for taking an issue that was known about during the August 12th hearing and dragging it out until now where we can't even use the bowl ban for this season.
Glad to know that my senior year (3rd year senior here) I won't even have the possibility of buying bowl game tickets.