Golden Glory & M-1 are looking to cut themselves into all talent deals and UFC feels they are dealing from strength and won't set that precedent. You can imagine the issues if Kharitonov beats Barnett and then takes a fight in October in Moscow, and then gets hurt.
Essentially, Zuffa will insist on exclusivity and will offer money, in some cases very big, to fighters, but they aren't going to cut management into those deals nor allow them to fight elsewhere.
I could see, based on all this, that win or lose, Fedor would be done unless his side plays ball, and Kharitonov and Coenen are also Golden Glory fighters, so unless things change, when their deals are up, I could see similar stuff happening. Coenen's listed purse is something ridiculously little but Coker was paying Golden Glory the real money, kind of like the announced figures for Fedor of $300,000 while M-1 would get $1.2 million or more as consultants or whatever they called it.