The only problem was Fedor lost, and shit happens, they booked Barnett, which I said from the start would bite them in the ass, and Zuffa bought them in the middle of the tournament and wasn't going to put up with Overeem and his camp trying to change the date when Showtime gave them the date and there was no other date.
There are five Saturday nights in October. Two are UFC PPVs, and one is a UFC show on Versus. UFC didn't want to run against itself. Showtime also has a boxing show already on the schedule, and other shows already programmed for Saturday night all month. There is also the World Series, and the people at Showtime who spend significant rights fees for a tournament show, did not feel it would be wise spending that kind of money on a night when the casual fans will watch baseball and they will have less chance to draw sports fans because they won't get a lick of sports coverage with the World Series that night.
Thus they came up with Sept. 10 as the date. If Showtime would have wanted a show on Oct. 15, they could have moved, but they didn't want this thing going into November and Showtime insisted on Sept. 10. Zuffa doesn't have the power to make Showtime's schedule. Overeem wasn't enough of a draw that Showtime would change its TV schedule over him, and apparently Overeem and Golden Glory overplayed their hand because they are used to Japan which is a totally different culture.