good read and pasta is a guy that relates to alot of sim gamers.
his impressions are another reason why i am not buyinng this game. I read all the comments he makes and compare it to what i have with ncaa 10 and madden just seems to fall short in more areas.
no sideline catches, no cpu run game, no progressive lighting, incomplete online franchise, cpu wtf int's, no coach challenges, clock doesnt stop when a player goes out of bounds, excessive holding calls on FG with the default slider, HB fumble as they dive over the goaline
alot of other comments he made make the game sound like it plays just like ncaa how its about strategy vs sticks skills. this is a great thing imo.
But everything i am read suggests that madden is an incomplete version of what ncaa does have on the field.
I see nothing wrong with having CPU wtf INTs...they happen all of the time in real life. Errant deep balls that get picked off by the centerfield safety.
The clock not stopping when a player is forced out of bounds can be fixed with a patch.
NCAA has excessive holding calls on field goals and punts when the slider is high enough. I get them more often then I should when its on default.
The no sideline catch animation is a problem, but I don't think I'd pass on the game just for that. I want to see what the fumbles at the goal line look like before I pass judgment. How often they occur makes a big difference, because they DO happen, they just don't happen often.
Progressive lighting is whatever to me and doesn't effect my purchase.
Fact is, that NCAA is very much a work in progress game...we are still waiting on a second patch to fix some of the glaring needs and we are waiting to see if NCAA 11 actually brings this game up to par.
I haven't played Madden yet, but from the Demo's I've played and from the general reviews so far...we can tell this...
Immersible game. Unlike NCAA, you can dive into the franchise mode and just immerse yourself in that universe you've created. The games presentation and added bells and whistles and computer logic added to this area trumps the same ole NCAA dynasty mode that has improved none from last year to this year and can be basically be described as "boring".
Madden's game presentation...another aspect of immersing yourself in the game...trumps NCAA 10x over. It is pitiful how boring and unauthentic NCAA's game presentation is. There is nothing about NCAA that makes me feel like I am playing a college football game.
Gameplay. NCAA has more holes then swiss cheese from a game play perspective. Line play is terrible. The speed of the game is outrageous. The bullet passes are as unrealistic as it comes. From the Madden demo, the line play is realistic and improved dramatically. Defensive play in Madden has taken a huge leap with Pro-Tak and the CPU's logic, especially with linebackers is much much better. Perfect? No. But NCAA still has AI players running away from a run instead of running toward the ball carrier, especially when he has him dead to rights.
I am enjoying NCAA, because I had to fudge with sliders beyond recognition...but the game is boring and hasn't made any kind of substantial leap from 09 to 10. From the demo, Madden's game play plays very good. Definitely not perfect, but a monstrous leap from the god awful football gaming we've come to expect from this company. I'll simply take the impressions word for it that franchise is now immersible, which is something NCAA hasn't had the ability to say for quite some time.