was my birthday today, erm, 30 minutes ago, but whatever, still drunk off the same Goose, so yeah.
Bought Sid Meier's Civilization With Too Many Prefixes After Earth. what a great game. It is definitely Civ 5 reskinned, but the changes they made are so amazing for balance you aren't locked into one particular victory and there's tons of variety involved. terrible game on low difficulty but very competetive on higher levels. It feels like something that needs a few patches and probably an expansion but it grows on me each game and is a beautiful vision of the future.
Bought Tropico 5 too, which, I had, erm, PLAYED ON MY FRIENDS LAPTOP so I knew it was good. Cool game, advancing through time periods makes it kind of a hybrid city game and also a strategy game. I am wildly protective of my dynasty. Not worth full price, but if you like city builders at all, this is very cool for how much the Steam sale this weekend is asking and definitely far and away the best entry in the series.