1 - That's gay.
2 - You're confused. If Romo were ever to do to the Cowboys what that punk bitch did to the Packers and went to play for the Redskins, Giants or Eagles, I damn sure wouldn't follow him like a whore, which is exactly what you did. I'm not gonna just quit rooting for a team that I've spent nearly 20 of my 25 years on this earth rooting for to go root for one of their biggest rivals simply because one of my favorite players jumped ship. If that were the case, I would have become a Cardinals fan in 2003.
You can say anything you want about my appreciation for Romo (way to make this about him again, BTW), but fact of the matter is it pales in comparison to what you've done in regards to Favre.
You, sir, are a fraud of a fan.
Good day.