Finished up the story in Sleeping Dogs. Surprisingly decent story for this type of open-world game. I was also surprised at how well they brought you in to the emotions of the main character for a game like this. By the end of the game you can feel the anger and pain of Wei Shen, which makes the last couple of missions that much better. The hand-to-hand combat makes this game a blast. I found it a lot more fun to whoop Triad ass with Kung fu rather than to just shoot them from behind cover like most games of this type. I also loved the fact that you got to do missions on both sides of the law with the Triads and the Hong Kong PD.
If I had to describe this game, it would be a combination of GTA and LA Noire, throw in the hand-to-hand combat of the Batman Arkham games, and sprinkle in a tiny bit of the platforming from Uncharted.
Very good game. I've been saying all summer long that this game would be one of the more underrated games of the fall season, and it did not disappoint one bit. It's a very refreshing take on the games of this genre. If anyone enjoys the GTA games, or any of these type of sandbox games, I would definitely recommend giving it a try. I'm giving it a solid 8.75/10.