Giants in the Super Bowl
Nobody is saying that, but you're taking the toughness out of the sport that's very intricate to the game.
Physical intimidation is why my team, San Jose, fucking blows in the postseason. So perhaps I'm on the wrong side of the fence?
Physical players are what keeps things in check on the ice. If you run a player, you're going to have to answer for it. You take away the ability to physically retaliate, and it's going to be more dangerous. The only retaliation, physically, it's going to be more high flying hits, perhaps into boards, which is the most dangerous part of hockey...and where all the concussions are currently coming from.
Take away fighting, concussions will rise. I guarantee it.
Do we really want hockey players given the right to take anyone out without any fear of retaliation? I sure as fuck don't. That'll be way more dangerous.
Interesting points