Sorry, Lefty, didn't see you finished GoT.
I haven't seen Terriers, so I can't speak on that. One season seems like it would be totally unfulfilling, but that's on you. Same boat on Jericho and BSG. Never seen either, no interest in either. I've seen the Portlandia skit about Battlestar Galatica and how addictive it is, so if that's your cup of tea I'd put it in your queue.
If you're trying to blow through as many shows as possible, I'd say stick with the newer shows like Homeland or Boss.
However, if you want GoT-quality television, I'd go with Boardwalk Empire. Only 26 episodes to catch up on and you can move on to some of the aforementioned shows quickly or something else awesome like Sons of Anarchy (even though season 3 is TRASH up until the finale).
I am about to start Justified, which I'd recommend based solely on everything I've heard on the internetz about its awesomeness.
Cliff Notes -
Boardwalk Empire.