Haynesworth got his money and then cried because one of the best coaches around
I LOL'd at this one. If he was really one of "the best coaches around" He would be more concerned with motivating his player to become great, not to be punishing him. I think it's pretty terrible coaching when you have a top 5 talent and all you do is try to piss him off to prove a point. one of "the best coaches around" would have known what buttons to push to get the guy happy and playing dominantly, not constantly take shots at him for being upset that everything he signed for a year ago was thrown out the window.
Just because the haters constantly point at the money, doesn't mean that this is all about the money. the money came for a guy to play DT in the 4-3 and the money is wasted on a second string 3-4 DE. that is 100% on "one of the best coaches around", not on Haynesworth. the Redskins lied to him a year ago. Noone in their right mind is going to walk away from that kind of money, especially when those lies have crippled your ability to ever earn that kind of payday again. The Redskins could have cut him before paying the bonus, or never have signed him to the contract that gave it to him in the first place. It's not his fault for taking it. He would have been blackballed by the NFLPA in a labor contract year if he was really that retarded turn down 20+ million.
And then he took 10 days to pass a conditioning test that Mike Golich passed the first time...and he's been retired for 10+ years.
First off, Mike Golic is in some of the best shape of his life thanks to the Nutrisystem, second, playing shape for a player like Haynesworth is completely different from Selling Shape for a Nutrisystem spokesperson, Third, Haynesworth was the only one who had to take that conditioning test (for missing "voluntary" workouts and a minicamp, something many many players do), Fourth, the conditioning test was "passed" via a private workout with noone around but Coach and player. To wrap this paragraph up: the conditioning test was complete and utter bullshit, its just like Favre's "aw shucks, they came to get me" story, it cannot be taken for face value even a little bit, it was just a way for Shanny to give Haynesworth the finger.
Don't give me the "Redskins didn't show him any respect" line. He got his payday.
It's not just about the money. All of Haynesworth's haters always talk about the money and nothing else. It's about broken promises. and whatever happened last year, whatever bonus he collected in the offseason, has nothing to do with the way that the Redskins have treated him. They have completely disrespected him and for what? to play hardball? to not have one of your best players on the field? To give piles of money to someone that you clearly dont even want around?
Now go do what you're told to do on the field and earn your ridiculous salary.
he is doing that. playing for the second string. the entire last preseason game too. He has been doing what he was told to do on the field the entire time he has been present at camp. He is earning his ridiculous salary playing on the scout team. All he has done is make vocal his concerns about it not being the right fit, which does not in any way contradict the wisdom of the previous quote.
He's a giant cry baby, the TO of defense...and any team that trades for him deserves what they get after seeing his shenanigans this summer.
The TO comparison is apples and oranges. TO complained about his contract but he produced on the field (and the one year he didnt produce in Buffalo, you didnt hear a word out of him). You simultaneously insult the guy for not "doing what he is told on the field" by "one of the best coaches around" but then say that he doesnt deserve his "ridiculous salary". The easiest way to eliminate the ridiculous salary?
Then he's not earning the ridiculous salary, "one of the best coaches around" proves his point without having to deal with this bullshit anymore, and Haynesworth gets to go play wherever he wants.
Face it dudes, this situation is 100% on the Redskins.