First of all, NFL owners are staunchly Republican, so playing the liberal card doesn't work here. Most of the owners have made large contributions to Republican candidates and only a couple owners (if that) even contributed to Obama.
Secondly, the problem with using the word 'thug' regardless of proper usage is that stupid people run off with it and take it to mean something else. For some it has become a codeword of the n-word.
Living in St. Louis, I've heard numerous times people calling Rams RB Steven Jackson (not a troublemaker) a 'thug' over something trivial such as the music he wants played pre-game during the stadium, but when you ask why, they hesitate or say something stupid like 'he has dreads'. When Ronnie Belliard played for the Cards, you had people calling him a thug because he wore his hat different and sported a skull cap for his cornrows. Not because of his demeanor or behavior, but simply his appearance.
That is what Killa Pand and me are talking about.