This is a Packer-biased view, but the refs made the wrong call. It was not "simultaneous catching", because the Packer DB clearly had the ball first. There was no "simultaneous" action. I knew it was bad when the refs waited to make any call at all, because at that point, in the mass of bodies, 3 Seahawk players could all be grabbing at the ball. If the refs wait to see "who has the ball" in that situation, its always going to be an alleged "simultaneous catch" because its too easy for the offensive player to simply wrap his arms around the defensive player and claim he also caught the ball. Its like the refs seeing a player fall on a fumble, not doing anything, letting a pile ensue, then trying to dig through the pile to see who has the ball. If you aren't going to make the correct call in the first place, you are leaving it up to chance.
What I didn't like about the call was that not only did the Packer player clearly have the ball first, it seemed pretty clear to me that Tate let go of the ball as he was coming down, then re-grabbed the ball when he hit the ground, but at that point the Packer DBs body had turned so all Tate could do was reach his arms around the Packers DB body.
That said, I would like to end with 3 things:
*The Packers played terrible, especially on offense, and Bulaga did his best JWebb impersonation while McCarthy was channeling his Mike Martz by not running the ball until the 2nd half.
*The NFL rulebook is so overly wrought with verbose technicalities, that I think it really hinders the ref's ability to make proper judgement calls. Its like there is always some rule that trumps common sense. Every game appears to be a repeat of the Tuck Rule or the Calvin Johnson non-catch.
*Everyone bitches about the replacement refs, but I think there is a pretty good possibility that the 'real' refs made the same bad call in last night's game. The NFL has too many rules, and replay has its limitations.