So, Psychonauts is pretty much the definition of a cult hit. Beloved by most everyone that has played it, for it’s uniqueness and genuine creativity, and seemingly always one of those games that is followed by the statement “Man, I really need to give that game a try” by people that haven’t played it, Psychonauts didn’t sell very well at launch and has had people fighting for it ever since. It’s by no means a perfect game, as it is pretty much the prototype of what it meant to be a Double Fine game, before they honed their craft to be super laser focused with their download only titles. For everything it does wonderfully, there is a gameplay mechanic that makes one cock their head, confused. For every legitimately brilliant brain level, there is the Meat Circus, which goes down as one of my absolute most fucking despised final levels ever in a game that I truly love. There are hard swings in positives and negatives, which can dissuade some, but those that enter with a little patience and an open mind, you shall be rewarded. Without giving too much of the excellent plot away, you play as Raz, a child acrobat who escapes to a kids psychic summer camp, and after a number of things go wrong, you find the responsibility of jumping into different characters insane brains in order to play Mr. (Psychic) Fix-It. It’s a world and a concept that can only come from Tim Schaffer, who by all accounts might be legitimately insane. Perhaps better than I can describe, this quote is from a retroactive “Zero Punctuation” by Yahtzee at (if you’ve never seen his videos, particularly the early ones, check them out, they’re very funny/well done). Anyway, here’s the quote:
Yahtzee: I'm just going to list out of context some of the things that occur in Psychonauts: a telekinetic bear; a dentist who harvests brains; a sequence wherein you become a giant Godzilla style monster and terrorize a society of talking fish; and a shadowy trench-coated government agent who disguises himself as a housewife by brandishing a rolling pin and talking disjointedly about pies.
So yeah, if you haven’t, you should play this game, and revel in the madness that is Tim Schaffer.
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