Giants in the Super Bowl
9:44 a.m. Big crisis.
A prominent NFC player is freaking out. The NFL has dropped off a urine-testing kit at his house when he's clearly not -- how shall we say this? -- ready.
Apparently, the end of the lockout came as a surprise to him. Schaffer talks him off the ledge.
"Hold on, hold on (blank). They can't do that. They haven't finished the language on drug testing yet in the CBA. They can't test you if it's not in the contract. This is still America, right?"
Schaffer calls the players' union to check. A union lawyer gets on the line and Schaffer gets the player on the line.
"OK, listen carefully, (blank). We need you to have somebody videotape you putting the entire thing -- the test tubes, the instructions, everything -- into a clear, sealed bag. Then FedEx it to me immediately. Got it?"
"OK, OK," the player says.
Then, just as a precaution, Schaffer says, "Read me the directions, will you?"
The directions are all about allowable levels of chlorine and bromine.
Turns out it was from the guy's pool cleaner.