I wish I was Scrubs
Wisconsin was #5. And please don't give me the "Stanford didn't win their conference" excuse, because neither did Wisconsin, really.
To make the regular season stay important, I always say that conference champions only should be allowed into any playoff. By taking in a small amount of teams that are only conference champions, you keep regular season games being very important, while still prioritizing having a hard schedule.
If you let in Stanford, you are basically saying that Stanford losing to Oregon shouldn't matter at all. So a matchup between two top 4 teams in the regular season has nearly zero impact on the championship other than seeding. All that says to me is that if 2 top 4 teams can play eachother and it would have ZERO impact, there is something deeply flawed in that system.
I say make every conference play a pure round robin (everyone plays everyone else) if they are at 11 teams or less and have them play a conference championship if they are at 12 teams or more. That way, it is a true playoff based on the regular season results.