Here's what I don't get about the BCS:
What's the purpose of the Rose, Orange, Fiesta, and Sugar Bowls? Outside of gaining more exposure, it's still just as meaningless as the Meineke Care Bowl because you're not competing for the National Championship. The other BCS games are just bowl games with names.
Here's what the BCS should do:
Keep the original four bowls, but add in two more. Call it the Legend Bowl and the Leader Bowl. Cereal Bowl and Toliet Bowl. I don't care if it was called the Wipe Your Ass With Charmin Bowl, just put in two more.
I'm fine with auto-bids as long as they are given to the six best conference winner, not the six major conferences. This way, UConn, who isn't even in the Top 25 for the BCS, doesn't leap frog over teams like TCU, Boise, or Nevada who are ranked and have superior seasons. Let's be honest... the Big East was ass this year.
Now, the games of the "minor" conferences matter, because "every game [should] matter". Tiebreakers in divisions are broken by whoever has the higher BCS ranking.
So, this year, the winners would be:
#1 Auburn (SEC)
#2 Oregon (Pac-10)
#3 TCU (MWC)
#5 Wisconsin (Big Ten)
#7 Oklahoma (Big XII)
#10 Boise State (WAC)
Leave two spaces for the next two best teams to get in. The only auto-qualifier that should be allowed is if there is a conference champion in the Top 10. However, the only exception to his would be if a Top 5 team is still not in. They receive an At-Large and priority [essentially, an expansion of the 3-4 rule].
This allows for regular season games to mean much, much more because now anyone can have a shot at that National Championship. Teams like Stanford and LSU and OSU who are 1-loss teams have a fairer shot at getting in and their games matter even more because now they know "Hey, we're not just competing for the Rose Bowl or let's just settle for the Fiesta Bowl. We have National Championships on the line every game if we continue playing at a high level." Now, every game actually does mean something and not just a meaningless.
The top two remaining teams this year would be:
#7 Stanford [4]
#8 Ohio State [6]
Then, seed the teams by their BCS rankings:
Toilet Bowl: [1] #1 Auburn vs. [8] #10 Boise State
Soup Bowl: [4] #4 Stanford vs. [5] #5 Wisconsin
- - - - - - - - - -
Cereal Bowl: [2] #2 Oregon vs. [7] #7 Oklahoma
Salad Bowl: [3] #3 TCU vs. [6] #6 Ohio State
Next Round:
Pot Bowl: Toliet vs. Soup
- - - - - - - - - -
Quiz Bowl: Cereal vs. Salad
National Championship: Pot vs. Quiz
Easy. Now you can have your BCS and have the games in them actually mean something. The BCS is less stupid and keeps the entire season competitive and allows for the best teams to compete for the title and not meaningless games.
If you're interested, last year would have looked like this:
#1 Alabama (SEC)
#2 Texas (Big 12)
#3 Cincinnati (Big East)
#4 TCU (MWC)
#6 Boise State (WAC)
#7 Oregon (Pac-10)
- - - - - Wildcards - - - - -
#5 Florida [At-Large]
#8 Ohio State [AQ because Top 10 + Conference Championship]
Toilet Bowl: [1] #1 Alabama vs. [8] #8 Ohio State
Soup Bowl: [4] #4 TCU vs. [5] #5 Florida
- - - - - - - - - -
Cereal Bowl: [2] #2 Texas vs. [7] #7 Oregon
Salad Bowl: [3] #3 Cincinnati vs. [6] #6 Boise State