its not so much vista. As you can't have more then 2 GB's of ram.
The only way to play the game is to go into your computer bio's and tell your computer not to use more then 2gb of ram, then restart your computer. Then when you are done, you have to go back into the bio's and switch it back. (I have 6 gigs of ram.)
Soooooo... the computer you were playing on, must've had less then 2gb of ram. Which back when this game came out was pretty much common you could get that Ram wise anyway.
I would love to play the game and maybe one day I will do the bios thing just to play it. But right now it's to much of a hassle. The game will never get patched because it's 3 or so years old. There have been some user hacks, but I can't seem to get any of them to work.
That's the main reason I don't play games on PC. I don't want to have to worry about all those specs and shit. I just want to pop in a game and play.
Basically the game has a bug, that if you have more then 2gb of ram it thinks you have not enough ram. When in reality you have far more then you need.