After watching the Giant bomb vids I bought FTL and Hotline Miami off steam. I think they were $12 combined.
Not really sure I get the appeal of Hotline Miami. It's decently fun, but there isn't much too it. Could be that I'm not very good and it's taking a lot of tries to get through each chapter and maybe it picks up. Well worth the $5 or whatever, I'll probably get close to 10 hours out of it (already have 2 or 3), but if this is one of the top 5 games of 2012 this has been a shitty year.
FTL is pretty awesome. Just started playing it last night (bought it a week ago) and I think I put in 5ish hours since then. It's insanely hard, but there are so many unique combinations and so much variety that it's not frustrating like most "hard" games. This is a game that is going to get a lot of hours. My only complaint is that it's not on my phone.