info: “Please wait for an agent to respond. You are currently '12' in the queue.
info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. An agent will be with you shortly. You are currently '12' in the queue.
info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. An agent will be with you shortly. You are currently '12' in the queue.
info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. An agent will be with you shortly. You are currently '9' in the queue.
info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. An agent will be with you shortly. You are currently '5' in the queue.
info: All agents are currently assisting others. Thank you for your patience. An agent will be with you shortly. You are currently '1' in the queue.
info: Privacy Statement
You are now chatting with 'Brady D'.
you: Hello?
Brady D: Thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support, Jarell. How is your day going so far?
you: bAD
Brady D: I am real - yes. And I'm sorry that things are bad. I'll do my best to help you sort things out real quick.
Brady D: It sounds like you can't recover your gamertag or sign in. Is this correct?
you: YES
you: "The e-mail address or password you entered is not valid. Please try again."
Brady D: Thank you.
Brady D: What is your gamertag, Jarell?
you: BlackMagicSnake
Brady D: Cool - give me just one moment to review your account real quick.
you: no really it's cool. I got all fucking day
Brady D: Please try and not use curse words in chat.
you: please try and hurry up
Brady D: I'm going as fast as I can, Jarell. I assure you.
Brady D: Which email are you trying to use to download the profile?
Brady D: Please click HERE & follow the 'Can't access your account' option to reset your password
you: I don't see "can't access your account"
Brady D: It's right underneath the Sign In portion of the screen.
Brady D: So if you're already signed in, you'll need to sign out before you can see it.
you: ok now what
you: I reset it
you: How do I get an xbox support job? Seems pretty damn easy
you: just sit there and do nothing
you: and talk like Hal
Brady D: Jarell, I apologize that I don't respond immediately. I am working with another customer as well, so there may be minor pauses.
Brady D: Once the password is reset, please go to your Xbox console & visit Settings>System Settings>Storage, then highlight Hard Drive & press the Y button to access Device Options.
Brady D: From there, clear your System Cache three times, followed by powering the console off and back on.
you: then?
Brady D: Then try and download your profile again.
you: If this doesn't work, I will hunt you down.
you: how the fuck do you even clear something 3 times in a row?
Brady D: Microsoft operates a zero tolerance approach to abusive or threating behavior. As such I must advise that if you continue to be abusive or threatening I will close this chat session.
info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat.
Brady D: You clear the cache using the instructions that I provided, and do it three times.
you: lol at zero tolerance to threatening behavior. Have you ever played CallofDuty?
Brady D: Were you able to complete the steps that I provided, Sir?
you: I will be filing a formal complaint about you. Mr. Brady D
Brady D: That is your decision to make. I'm simply trying to help you, Jarell.
Brady D: You are being very un-kind by swearing after I asked you not to, as well as threatening to hunt me down if it doesn't work.
Brady D: That is not something that we condone, Sir.
you: I'm sorry, I've just had a bad day.
you: and you're making it worse by taking all day to respond
Brady D: I was replying as quickly as I could.
you: I pay like 60 dollars a year for XBL, and this the customer service I get?
Brady D: Please, Sir, let's finish the steps that I have provided so that we can get everything working properly for you.
Brady D: Have you finished the steps that I provided?
you: yes. now what
Brady D: Did the profile download this time?
you: Yes. bye
It actually didn't but I was tired of waiting, so I went to sleep.