They're all windbags. And there is no difference between sports experts and game experts for the most part. They're both pointless and only exist for people to find something to fight about on the internet. Again, I just come back to the fact that I don't know why people on the internet spend so much damn time worrying about what people in the games media say. It can be fun to listen to some stuff, but why waste time worrying about who takes stock in what (unless you're actually investing or reading a review with the goal of determining if you'll be purchasing). I've said this all before though, so it's not worth getting into a thing about. Life is just too short to worry about the majority of journalists/experts, let alone game journalists/experts.
As far as the points thing, I don't know what to tell you man. Stop buying games on XBL if you don't want excess points. It's a silly system, but it is what it is. Either stop using it or stop bitching about it. Either way, I think you need to move on as you've made this argument about 15,000 times in the last 4+ years.