A Special Kind of Cat
I am baffled that so many people are against getting rid of games. I agree that trading in at Gamestop is often not a good return, but it's better than having multiple shelves stuffed to the brim with shit you're never going to touch again.
Granted, I get more and more minamilist as I get older. Sold most of my books, all of my DVDs, and I cull my games once a year, down to basically the Mass Effect trilogy and Dragon Age: Origins. I really can't wait until consoles are 100% digital. I knew that I loved it before, I love it even more now with my new PC.
I wouldn't want to shave mine down to the bare minimum like that, but I definitely feel better about getting rid of 1/4 of my physical collection that was all crappy games and stuff that I would never even think about playing again. Feels good to have most everything I want day 1 this fall completely paid off.