Finished ME2 again.
Now it's time to save the Galaxy... again.
At some point these assholes need to learn to stop being wussies and take care of themselves.
It's not like there's clones of Shepard out in the wild or anything... right? :shifty:
You may have said this all before but, do you have all the ME3 DLC? I REALLY want to play Citadel, but it's been so hard for me to dive back into the series. The sense of closure is hard to get over, particularly considering how much I apparently did "right" with my Shep.
Unrelated thought: I don't know why I'm surprised that I'm finding it hard to maintain a 250 gig HD on the 360 and a 400 gig HD on the PS3. I have a TB HD on the PC and I only have like, 50 gigs left. Where does all the space go?