It's a fine game. I loved Diablo at the time, and Diablo 2 is one of my favorite games of all time. It controls very well, somewhat surprisingly, and it will definitely fulfill your loot lust if you have it. It has a pretty dumb, not great story, so it's not really going to be your driving force.
I'm curious what difficulty level you played it on Twigg? I was bored with it as well, playing it on Hard, and then I heard that the difficulty in the game is kind of fucked up. I nearly beat Hard without dying. So I'm guessing it might be a bit more exciting at the higher difficulties.
Anyway, it's a game for a certain type of person. On one hand, you won't have the bias that I did coming from Diablo 2, but on the other, it sounds like even people here without that bias aren't in love with it. On the other, other hand: there are a ton of people I know that do like it...even love it.
If you want to know if you like the game type, you could always try out Torchlight. I don't know about PS3, but I know it's on 360 and is probably $10 or $15.